Thales Headquarter
Ditzingen, 2011 - 2012
Office/administration buildings, Industrial buildings
Directly next to the A81 autobahn, on the edge of an existing industrial zone in Ditzingen near Stuttgart, the aerospace and defence group Thales is building a new 50,000m2 office complex. In future a total of 1,800 employees from three different sites will be working together here.
In addition to offices, the building complex will house technical laboratories and areas for technical development and integration. Furthermore, an assembly and repair hall is planned. A staff restaurant and parking for 1,200 cars also forms part of the complex. The complex has been designed by schneider+schumacher, who have been appointed to carry out work stages 1-4. It is hoped that the project will be eligible for a Gold award under the LEED certification process.
Technical details:
Client: Milet Ditzingen Objektgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGTypology: Office/administration buildings, Industrial buildings
Gross floor area: ca. 50,000 m² (above ground), ca. 12.000 m² (below ground)
Procurement documentation: Direct
Service phases (HOAI): 1-4