Our architectural approach is characterised by the enjoyment we have in finding solutions to the complex demands of today's buildings. We adapt our buildings to fit into their surroundings, yet we also create landmarks. Pragmatic poetry, nurtured not only by design clarity and a conscientious attitude towards the task in hand, but also by a delight in fine details.
This design process is constantly informed by the dialogue that takes place on a daily basis between the various professional disciplines in all our departments and offices.
The office schneider+schumacher Planungsgesellschaft mbH covers all stages of work, from initial design through to detailed design and overall planning.
1988 formation of schneider+schumacher
2003 formation of schneider+schumacher Planungsgesellschaft mbH
33 employees, and over 100 buildings of all kinds of categories
schneider+schumacher Planungsgesellschaft mbH works on projects from first design draft to work planning and general Engineering.
Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015 by DQS GmbH (valid from 16.07.24 until 03.07.27)
Member of German Sustainable Building Council (GeSBC)
Member of Aktivhaus+ e.V.




Building and Project Management
The construction and project management office of schneider+schumacher (schneider+schumacher Bau- und Projektmanagement GmbH) offers professional services relating to the design of new buildings, renovation work, building modernisation and maintenance. The emphasis is on detailed design, tendering, procurement, site supervision and property management, as well as quality control, and programming and cost control. Due to the high level of design expertise we have in the team, the focus is on project execution.
Excellent project management is characterised by the constant availability of project data, so that all future project phases and development may be monitored continuously. In this way, potential problems can be identified and assessed so that any necessary action may be taken in good time.
At all stages of planning and development we work with standardised tools and processes to ensure management of a correspondingly high quality.
The construction and project management office carries out building work, project management and also operates as general planner.
2003 formation of schneider+schumacher Bau- und Projektmanagement GmbH
53 employees
schneider+schumacher Bau- und Projektmanagement GmbH provides expertise and services in the fields of construction operations, project management, and general engineering
Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015 by DQS GmbH (valid from 16.07.24 until 03.07.27)


Managing Director






Design & Computation
Today, design is no longer just about creating plans and models. The main focus has shifted away from predominantly representational techniques towards the development of digital processes. Planning related parameters are now used to determine solutions that help generate form and simulate the creative design process. Design & Computation GbR focuses on this field of design.
We apply this method both in product design (light fittings, furniture, etc.) and when planning and implementing architectural and urban design projects. By employing this process-focused and information-based approach, we aim to minimise the various work stages as well as optimise each individual design outcome, in order to safeguard a resource-efficient use of materials.
2003 formation of schneider+schumacher Design GbR
2013 formation of schneider+schumacher Parametrik GbR
2018 formation of schneider+schumacher Design & Computation GbR
One employee
Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015 by DQS GmbH (valid from 16.07.24 until 03.07.27)
Urban Design
Worldwide, as of 2007, more people now live in cities than in the countryside. This fact has forced a change in attitude to meet the new challenges and to increase the prospects of sustainable future development. For this to occur, familiar environments have to be examined in a new light and problems identified early on. This requires a holistic approach that promotes discussion about cities and their architecture so that appropriate solutions may be found. It is the ambition of schneider+schumacher's urban planning team (schneider+schumacher Städtebau GmbH) to plan highly liveable cities and landscapes for the future.
schneider+schumacher received the Deutscher Städtebaupreis award in 2004 for the ensemble of buildings at Westhafen Platz in Frankfurt.




Building Transformation
The question of how to treat and transform existing building fabric is gaining significance – both in terms of cultural heritage and with regard to sustainability. Accordingly, schneider+schumacher Weiterbauen GmbH focuses on transforming and adapting existing buildings to changing needs, while ensuring future-proof sustainable improvement. Building transformation implies far more than just building conservation. It involves confronting existing buildings with both respect and courage, and skilfully unlocking their potential to stimulate unique and imaginative solutions in which alleged shortcomings become positive advantages.
2020 formation of schneider+schumacher Weiterbauen GmbH
20 employees
Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2015 by DQS GmbH (valid from 16.07.24 until 03.07.27)

Managing Director

