Qianhai Justice Center now open

Designed by schneider+schumacher, the Qianhai Justice Center has just opened in Shenzhen. It provides a one-stop Service Centre offering help for the public on a variety of legal issues, as well as space for offices, negotiating rooms and courtrooms.
The design consists of two blocks, one perched above the other and rotated by 90 degrees. The upper element protrudes far beyond the base element, apparently balancing on it. This arrangement is reminiscent of the symbol representing scales, which stands for equality and justice in the legal system. Furthermore, the design refers to the Chinese character 中 (zhong), which stands for “centre”,
Plans are also progressing for three more buildings in Shenzhen by schneider+schumacher: a data centre (the Qianhai Information Building), a company headquarters for Zhaolian, and Shenfang Park research and development centre.