St. Goar, 2008 - 2009
Transport infrastructure buildings Competition
According to the UWH committee, the valley of Middle-Rhine can be described as a cultural landscape with distinctive beauty and vast diversity. Ultimate ambition was to integrate the bridge harmonically into the protected landscape.
Thus, the design concept performs a balancing act between conservation and progression. The bows of the structural steelwork are rhomboid in cross section, allowing a filigree optic of its outer edges. Equally, the bridge’s roadway leads paper-thin over the river Rhine. By its high grade of restraint, the bridge integrates itself harmonically into the protected landscape and preserves mostly unrestricted views on riversides, villages, woods and wine terraces.
Technical details:
Client: Landesbetrieb Mobilität (LBM) Rheinland-PfalzTypology: Transport infrastructure buildings
Procurement documentation: Competition
Service phases (HOAI): 1