FAIR Accelerator Facility
Darmstadt, 2008
Ongoing project
Research facilities
JV DGI Bauwerk and schneider+schumacher
The Darmstadt based FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) intends to build an international accelerator facility. The architectural practices DGI Bauwerk, Berlin, and schneider+schumacher, Frankfurt, were able to convince those responsible that they could deliver the optimal design and realization. This new joint venture is called ion42, an expression derived from physics as well as literature; an ion being a central element of the scientific work of FAIR, and “42” being the famous “Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything” from the book “Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy” by Douglas Adams.
A total of 20 buildings for experiments, laboratories and plant rooms are scheduled to be finished by 2025. They will serve an underground accelerator ring of 1,100 m diameter. On an area of almost 150,000 m2 GFA the scientists will research matter, the origin of the universe and its development.
Technical details:
Client: Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH, DarmstadtTypology: Research facilities
Gross floor area: 148,600 m²
Procurement documentation: Freelance services procurement procedure (VOF)
Service phases (HOAI): 2-8