schneider+schumacher in Shenzhen

Some 16 new buildings are being planned in the cooperation zone for science and technology between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The foundation stone for this major project has now been laid, marking the official start of construction work. Shenfang Park research and development centre, designed by schneider+schumacher, will be one of the first buildings to go on site and it will serve as a benchmark for the design of future buildings. Managing Director Joachim Wendt and Nan Wang, Managing Director of the Chinese office, were present at the festivities.
In addition, planning is currently underway for the Qianhai Information Building computer centre, plus a company headquarters for Zhaolian. To oversee work on these schemes in Shenzhen, schneider+schumacher has established an office there. This enables the team to coordinate the three ongoing projects on site, and to remain in contact with the branch office in Tianjin.