Observations, Influences, Inspiration

“Whether 30 years is a lot or a little is most likely irrelevant, since in the end it is all relative, like so many other things. This period spans at least one generation – and those starting work today may well have been born at a time when our office already existed.”
These are the introductory words of Till Schneider and Michael Schumacher, who after 30 years of s+s are now publishing a book containing observations and discussions about architecture, and providing insights into the way they both think. The publication not only describes what has influenced and inspired the office, and what the office has already achieved, but also what still lies ahead.
We would like to thank Quandel Staudt Design for their cooperation and for the great book design.
The book (approx. 400 pages) can be purchased in bookstores (ISBN 978-3-947569-33-3), or directly from schneider+schumacher.