Prize for interdisciplinary ideas competition

Together with GTL Landschaftsarchitektur and Ingenieurbüro Oppermann GmbH, schneider+schumacher have been awarded 3rd prize in an ideas competition for the western periphery of the ICE Station in Fulda.
The competition brief sought short and long-term proposals for both the use and design of this area. schneider+schumacher’s contribution sees the station district development to the north as an urban enhancement to the existing perimeter block development. Among other things, it provides for the relocation of the ZOB next to the main station building. This would then allow a denser urban development on the vacated area.
The jury report praises the design for clarifying and improving the current situation: "One very good idea is the arrangement of two separate and striking entrances for the train and the ZOB, which helps with orientation and creates a welcoming appearance."