Michael Schumacher at „hart aber fair“

In metropolises it’s already bitter reality, now the problem arises in smaller cities as well: Rents and selling prices are escalating and are barely affordable for the average earner. Is it okay that housing space becomes an object of speculation? Should the government interfere? Or should it rather be: Less regulations and more constructing?
These questions and more will be discussed at tonight’s political talk "hart aber fair".
As architect and expert on affordable housing, Prof. Michael Schumacher will participate at the show.
Further guests of talk master Frank Plasberg include minister of Justice Katarina Barley (SPD), Lucy Redler of the left party "Die Linke" in Berlin, FDP-general secretary Nicola Beer and Jürgen Michael Schick of the real estate association IVD.
The show will be broadcasted live tonight, 11 March 2019, at 21:00 on ARD and will be available afterwards at the media library online. Further information and access to the media library are available here.