3. place for „Connected CBD“
In an international competition regarding the North Station Central Business District (CBD) in the Chinese metropolis Shenzhen, schneider+schumacher won the third place with its design “Connected CBD”.
In addition to the masterplan the architects designed a functional and emblematic high rise building as a landmark – a pragmatic poetry. In the folded tower, that is more than 400 meters high, there are offices, a hotel, a cinema, a restaurant und shops. A signature building and a symbol of identity in the city with twelve million inhabitants.
The design has been developed in cooperation with ISA-Internationale Stadtbauatelier, BüroHappold Engineering and thyssenkrupp.
The architectural offices Mecanoo from Delft and CCDI from China were assigned with the processing of their designs.
In the video Prof. Michael Schumacher explains the ideas behind the design.