Modern office for modern working
Welcoming, transparent, flexible – that’s the way the new headquarter of the insurance company Allianz in Berlin presents itself. The office complex designed by schneider+schumacher fulfills all requirements of a modern working environment. The transparancy to all sides gives manifold viewshafts; the flexible designed rooms enable almost any working situation. By the structure of the quarter the paths between the three buildings of the office complex are short. Located at Rudower Chaussee it blends in harmoniously with the whole quarter Berlin-Adlershof, the capital’s most important science, economy and media location, and silmultaneously strikes through its stylistic elements.
Regarding sustainability: The design aims at the DGNB certificate Platin – the highest award level of the German Sustainability Council.
Until April 2019 the real estate service provider Corpus Sireo and its Partner FOM Real Estate GmbH realise the office complex with over 50.000 squaremetres rental area.