Hetao Innovation Center is now finished

The construction of the national research center ‘Hetao Innovation Center’ has now been completed in the emerging cooperation zone between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The design by schneider+schumacher, which won an international competition in 2019, represents a milestone for the future neighbourhood. Located directly next to the river, the impressive building consists of two stepped parallel structures connected by colour-contrasting external staircases that culminate in a 120-metre-high office tower. The first of the research institutes and companies have already moved in.
The complex combines state-of-the-art laboratories and offices with exhibition space, meeting rooms and leisure areas – linking places dedicated to science with spaces for discussion. Both the glass architecture and generously proportioned roof terraces have views of the Hong Kong wetlands opposite. Prof Michael Schumacher describes the design concept as “… creating a flowing transition from landscape to urban structure and – apart from providing a clear logical structure – offering scientists spaces for dialogue and reflection, to help to promote innovation.”
Photos: Right Angle Image