Topping-out ceremony at IHK Pfalz

Just nine months after the foundation stone was laid, a topping-out ceremony was held in mid-December for the IHK building in Ludwigshafen. The shell of the building designed by schneider+schumacher has now been completed – meaning construction work is right on schedule. Work to the interior is now starting on the building, which will eventually accommodate around 860 seminar guests plus workstations for around 150 employees. The IHK building is due to open in summer 2026.
Design features include a generously glazed façade and a sculptural spiral staircase in the open atrium that connects up all the areas in the centre of the building – from the marketplace in the basement to the training rooms on the second floor. The staircase was completely prefabricated and delivered to the construction site as large components, assembled in just a few days.
Numerous guests from the world of politics and business attended the topping-out ceremony (see photo right). From left: Christian Hildenbrand (HEBERGER), Christian Simons (schneider+schumacher), Jürgen Vogel (IHK), Till Schneider (schneider+schumacher), Ludwigshafen’s Lord Mayor Jutta Steinruck, IHK President Albrecht Hornbach, Foreman Günter Kirsch (HEBERGER).
Photos: Lotz