Frankfurt Book Fair 2024

This year, for the fifth time, the Frankfurt Pavilion has been proving just how easy it is to set up over and over again. Experience has shown that it takes around 40 hours to erect the wooden structure, which consists of 396 parts. It was originally designed by schneider+schumacher in 2018 for the 70th anniversary of the Frankfurt Book Fair as a temporary structure that can be easily stored and reassembled. Since then, it has become an integral part of Frankfurter Buchmesse and offers an inviting venue where people can get together to talk about books.
At the opening press conference, Jürgen Boos, Director of Frankfurter Buchmesse, praised the Frankfurt Pavilion, saying: “With its easy accessibility via three entrances, its transparent, bright construction and its inviting (…) atmosphere, the Frankfurt Pavilion is an example of what I call democratic architecture. The ideal place for a free and open exchange of ideas.” Boos also announced that the Frankfurt Pavilion will form part of Hessen’s Design for Democracy campaign and as such will be contributing to the project Frankfurt RheinMain World Design Capital 2026.
While the structure appears to be a closed shell on the exterior, once visitors enter, it surprises them with its impressive wooden structure that spans the entire space and can also be used as an oversized bookshelf. On its 5th birthday last year, the Frankfurt Pavilion became immortalized with a book dedicated solely to it.