Architecture Days in Austria

schneider+schumacher Vienna is taking part in the ‘Architekturtage’ or Architecture Days – the largest public event dedicated to architecture in Austria. People interested in seeing the construction site for the Wildgarten residential project will have the opportunity to take part in a guided tour on Friday, 7 June and afterwards take a look inside our office in Gölsdorfgasse. Here’s the key information:
Guided tour of the Wildgarten construction site, 7 June, from 10:00 to 11:00
Around 1100 residential units are currently under construction on an area of around 11 hectares. The 14 residential buildings, ranging between two and eight storeys high – designed by schneider+schumacher in the capacity of general planners – will eventually offer 157 apartments for rent. In cooperation with Wienerberger, on behalf of ARE, the world’s first two buildings are being created where eight full storeys are constructed in monolithic brickwork, complete with integrated thermal insulation. Here, all load-bearing structure above ground is built entirely in ceramic masonry, thus obviating the need for conventional fully thermally insulated systems in all 14 buildings. The shell of the residential buildings was completed at the beginning of the year and to date more than half of the buildings have been painted in bright colours.
Meeting point: Gerstl construction office, Mona-Lisa-Steiner-Weg 9, 1120 Vienna
Open office, 7 June, 12:00 to 16:00
The Austrian team of schneider+schumacher is led by partner Eckehart Loidolt. We will be showing our rooms in Haus Pollak (Heinrich Ferstel 1860-1862) plus some of the projects that we are currently involved in. We have Claudia Mazanek to thank for discovering that the Frank family once lived in our building, which is why on this day we are particularly pleased to be inaugurating the acoustic curtain in the conference room, made from a fabric designed by Josef Frank (Baranquilla 1940).
Snacks and a few cool drinks will also be provided!
Address: Gölsdorfgasse 4/2, 1010 Vienna
For the full programme of events see:
Photos above, top right: Kirsten Bucher
Photos centre right, below: tschinkersten