The 75th Frankfurt Book Fair

This year the Frankfurt Book Fair celebrates an anniversary and opens its gates for the 75th time. And it is the 4th time the Frankfurt Pavilion, designed by schneider+schumacher, has featured at the exhibition centre, once again offering a hub for bookish get-togethers. Simultaneously, the Frankfurt Pavilion itself now occupies centre-stage in a book of the same name, where some 90 pages describe the history, development, and distinctive features of this landmark building.
Juergen Boos and Lars Birken-Bertsch comment on behalf of the client, the Buchmesse Frankfurt, while the pavilion’s designers – schneider+schumacher with engineers Bollinger und Grohmann – are represented by Klaus Bollinger, Kai Otto, Till Schneider and Ragunath Vasudevan, who all help to elucidate how the pavilion was planned. Author Christian Holl takes a look at the architectural history of pavilions and a further chapter sheds light on the life cycle of the Frankfurt Pavilion, which can be assembled and dismantled. The publication is rounded off with colourful impressions of some lovely moments, both in and around the Frankfurt Pavilion.
The book design takes its cue from the temporary building: a white cover enclosing uncluttered content. ‘The Frankfurt Pavilion’ (€24.90) can be ordered via
Photo (above) and design: Matter of