Multifaceted structure

From now on, travellers can remain undercover, protected from rain and sun at Frankfurt’s bus terminal. The roof structure planned for the Frankfurt bus terminal by schneider+schumacher on behalf of CA Immo is now complete. It covers an area of almost 1,000 m2 and protects 10 of the 14 bus stops at the long-distance bus terminal built by Kaufmann Bausysteme. Travellers and waiting passengers are now sheltered by a faceted soffit with a varnished wooden surface that creates a welcoming atmosphere. From a bird’s eye perspective, the roof’s 68.8 m-long and 11.6 m-wide expanse appears as a green roof. In addition, the structure stores rainwater and thus helps to counteract urban space becoming overheated.
The roof structure consists of sustainable timber, and is built as a series of parallelograms of cross-laminated timber components supported by prefabricated spun concrete columns. The 22 elements of these inverted ‘umbrellas’ form multi-faceted surfaces and edges. In the dark, four spotlights, mounted on a ring on each column, highlight the complexity of the geometric structure.
The bus terminal is located south of the main station – in the immediate vicinity of two other projects by schneider+schumacher: the hotel at the main station, and the multi-storey car park.