Repurposing the Juridicum for low-cost housing

In a 45-minute-long weekend radio programme on 26 August, ‘Deutschlandfunk Wochenendjournal’ probed the question: “To demolish, or leave standing?” by examining the case of the Juridicum buildng in Frankfurt-Bockenheim (listen from minute 35). Editor Lisa Rauschenberger met Astrid Wuttke, a partner at schneider+schumacher on site. The building, which is currently vacant and scheduled for demolition, formerly housed the law faculty of Goethe University. As Astrid Wuttke says: “We think that it is eminently possible to continue to use the building – its structure provides an opportunity to both refurbish and convert the building,”. At the very least, the structural shell could remain and be used, for example, in low-cost and unconventional housing.
The planned demolition of the Juridicum is ostensibly to create room for the future cultural campus. But Astrid Wuttke is convinced: “If you were to distribute the space differently, there would be sufficient space on site for both the cultural campus and the Juridicum.” This position is backed-up by a study made by schneider+schumacher – which effectively takes their original 2013 competition entry for “Kulturcampus Baufeld 12” a step further. In the ‘ideas’ section of the competition, the brief called for ideas for newly designed buildings. In fact, schneider+schumacher was the only office to propose a change of use for the Juridicum, and the office received recognition for this work.
Deutschlandfunk Wochenendjournal, 26 August 2023: Demolish or leave standing? – Climate protection in building