amedes – Competence Centre

In a newly emerging innovation district at Herbert Quandt Strasse in Göttingen, the project and district developer EBR Immobilien is in the process of building a Competence Centre for amedes, the laboratory service provider. The project started on site in March, and structural work on the four-storey office building is already complete. Once finished, the building will have a particularly striking appearance due to its vertically planted green south façade (see visualisation, right). In addition to designing the building, schneider+schumacher also took on the urban planning of the innovation district.
The laboratory building, the logistics centre and the office building form a tripartite ensemble together with a parking garage on the19,400 square metre site. It is due for completion by 2024. Located next to the office building, the laboratory building is constructed from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements and the last of these wall elements are currently being erected on the rear of the building. The ground floor of the logistics centre is already finished – as are the finishing layers to the structural columns and foundations in the warehouse behind it.
Photos and visualisations: EBR Immobilien