Podcast “Flurfunk”

Nina Delius and Kai Otto, both partners at schneider+schumacher, talk about architecture and new work, floor plans and pragmatic poetry with the author Nadja Mayer in ‘Flurfunk’, the podcast about the future of work, produced by the Randstad Stiftung. How should we be designing offices and corridors, conference rooms and canteens to suit new working models? Can floor plans help to bring about a new office culture?
According to Nina Delius and Kai Otto: “Architecture can be useful when creating new working models, and can facilitate the design of spaces, but really one also needs an overriding concept, a corporate culture.” Both have completed numerous projects designing offices for companies and also, for example, transforming former individual offices into open-plan offices. It is important, they say, to create spaces where colleagues bump into each other by chance, to enhance informal means of communication. Their aim is to make the architecture flexible, so that buildings can be adapted to shifting concepts and requirements in the future.
The podcast is available on Spotify, and other apps.