Sino-German City Lab

Supported by funding from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), the Network for Architecture Exchange NAX is organising the digital Sino-German City Lab on “Urban Regeneration Perspectives for Chinese Cities”. It is aimed at architects of all disciplines who are interested in planning and building in China. Over a period of four weeks from 18 October until 12 November 2021, participants can expect to interact with colleagues who have experience in China, local experts, and Chinese city representatives.
As part of this initiative, Joachim Wendt, a partner of schneider+schumacher Städtebau GmbH and managing director of schneider+schumacher Tianjin and Shenzhen, was interviewed for NAX about his experience of building in China.
Register for free to access the informative series of interviews, podcasts and talks by experts, which have been available on the NAX website since 18 October.