Zhaolian office tower

From now on, it can only go upwards. On the construction site for the Zhaolian office tower in Shenzhen China another milestone has been reached with the casting of the basement roof slab. The building is destined to be the headquarters of a financial services company and, when finished, will be 180 metres high. schneider+schumacher designed this high-rise with an unadorned façade – whereas on the interior, their strategy is a dynamic and communicative design. Their aim here is to create a sociable and vertical office city. Internally, by virtue of offset office floors, the atrium offers visual connections between departments. In place of compartmentalised offices, the building has open-plan spaces that can be subdivided through zoning.
Zhaolian is just one of schneider+schumacher’s three current construction sites in Shenzhen. In addition to this office building, the world’s first high-rise data centre is also under construction there, as is the Shenfang Park research building.